Saturday, May 26, 2007

Catching up to the pack!

Driving today has been a bit more uneventful than the past two, but that sure doesn't mean it hasn't been fun for John and Ryan! After arriving in Asheville, NC at 1am last night after a long day in the car, they got some quality sleep and took off with the rally this morning. Final destination tonight? Gadsden Alabama, a fine rural town in the northwest section of the state.

Today's challenge is to find the oldest car on the road and snag a picture of it. So far, they've come across a 1928 Shea model A replica, though they're not quite sure it'll count because it's a replica. Fortunately, they've also passed an early 1930's pick-up truck. While they're still hoping to find something older, they're off to a fantastic start!

Possibly even more exciting is the fact that, for the first time ever, the boys actually PASSED some other cars doing the rally, meaning that they are no longer in last place!! However, soon after this wonderful moment, they stopped to get gas and grab some lunch, so they probably fell back behind those cars once again. Even so, they're moving closer to the rest of the rally cars, and will hopefully stick with them for the remainder of today! Best of luck boys!

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