Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's game time!

The first day of the rally began bright and early for the beautiful 528e with a ride through busy NYC along side all of the city’s rush-hour traffic (ah!), to get to the start of the rally. When John and Ryan arrived at the start line, they saw a whole bundle of decrepit yet awesome, crazily decorated, $250 cars. What an amazing sight to see. They came to the conclusion that their grand BMW falls right down the middle of the line both in regards to car quality and level of decorations. Needless to say, the 528e will prove her impeccable capabilities over the next few days… Overall, the first morning of the rally is “going great!” Car is holding up very well, giving the boys no problems so far.

So today, all cars were given two challenges to complete by tonight’s stop in Harrisonburg, VA. The first – with $1 bill stapled to a piece of paper, everyone was told to go to a Wal-Mart and buy as many items as possible with just that single dollar bill. John and Ryan came out strong with 8 items – finding mini Hershey “Special Dark” chocolate bars on sale for 10 cents each, and then throwing in a few 10 cent Wal-Mart gift certificates as well.

The second challenge – each car was given a stack of pictures of different items the cars would pass by during their journey, and everyone has to find these items and quickly take a picture of it before zooming by and losing the snapshot forever. Even more challenging, a lot of the pictures have been photo-shopped such that the surrounding area or other objects are missing. Well, John and Ryan’s success has not been quite as strong here as it was with the Wal-Mart challenge, though they’re working on it! They’ve gone by a few of the items in the pictures, but haven’t been able to get the camera out in time to quickly snap a shot of it! Also, they think they went along the wrong route at the start of the race, so just missed some spots all together. Rest assured they’ll have better news in regards to this challenge later in the day…

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